What is the point of living? Why do we keep pushing ourselves to get to a point to call "yeah this is happiness". Is it buying new clothes, new phones, new cars, new houses? Everyone will answer of course no. Don't you feel happy when you buy something "new"? If this is a reason to live, then what is the limit here? It's all cliche that money can't buy happiness. As always, yes and no. I can't remember the name of the guy but the architecture or designer of the modern world is a guy from USA and once this wise man told the secret of best designs. "Familiarly new". This speaks for itself that new doesn't make you happy and you seek for familiarity. That's why we have countries. Doesn't matter how much you LOVE to travel, you go back home, to your country. Majority of people lives their lives in this manner and foundation of countries rely on to protect you IN YOUR LAND. Why do we have countries even now with all the visa, inequalities, poverty, war.... Some futurists tell that idea of country is falling apart, yet we are too far to lose this familiarity because we don't know another way of living. Once a good design is now what keeps us under the water as humanity.
Back to the topic, what is the point of living? Some may say it is the people you are surrounded with. Hard to say anything to that but this all modern crap, social media just teaches you to be an egoist individual. So do you think people care about others as much as in the past? I think no. Imagine that you are waiting a letter from your BFF for a month to read just one page of paper? Can you wait with excitement through the whole month? Now, you are not even able to wait or keep a major part of your brain to be on this event anymore. So what is the point?
They say people need passion in their lives to feel alive and joy. It is all over the world. Everyone knows that. Everyone accepts this as a FACT. Yet everyone keeps the information to themselves that not everyone is lucky to have a strong passion about something. And there is a reason for that. Nowadays, we have A LOOOOOT of options. It is wonderful to have many options right? Wrong... I won't even bother to write about having mental fatigue due to many options in a our daily lives. I will write about how many of these options actually we can try. As the majority, I bet people are only able to just try maybe 20% of this options that modern world offer to us. Why? poverty, lack of time, wrong place, wrong time, disabilities, opinion of others.... You can make your own list.
We are living so fast. Doing so many things in a day to just call it a day.
So again, what is the point?
In a windy day with the sun shining with all it has got, just remember the swinging of branches and leaves of a tree. As we are so proud to be the only animal with such intelligence, ability of using tools etc, are YOU really different than the leaf on a branch ? Newton's physics law, when there is an action, there is always a reaction. So the whole new era of butterfly effect.
Harmony... Harmony is good but not always the one with good news to us. So why do I need to keep this harmony running ? Doesn't matter if you are a believer or not, you are going to die. Maybe you will go to your heaven or pure nothingness.
We come to this word with only thing we have. Time. Yet time is nothing alone. Time is the helper to us to forget and time is the enemy that kills us one day.
All these stuff, like Yin and Yang. Good and evil. Day and night. Pure harmony.
It all makes sense to see Yin and Yang at the end right? But this is not the answer to my question. This is answer to how living works?
So once again, what is the point of living?